The Giving "Three" Foundation's mission is to help educate children around the world taking them from oppression to Opportunity. To fund this mission proceeds from Gracie Greene sales are donated to The Giving "Three" Foundation which support the Zahn School and the needs of the students. Our goal is to create a self sustaining income for the school instead of constantly relying on fundraisers.
We believe that educating and empowering girls will help them stand up to injustices. People who complain that education is too expensive should calculate the expense of not educating children and the negative impact on the GNP.2
2 Half the Sky, Nicholas D. Kristof; Sheryl WuDunn (2009)
The Giving "Three" Foundation is dedicated to helping educate children in Cambodia and around the world as a way to protect them from becoming victims of human trafficking. Our goal is to raise awareness and funds thereby giving these children a chance at life. We at The Giving "Three" Foundation are convinced that education is the most effective way to fight poverty, modern day slavery, and fertility.

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together”
Vincent Van Gogh